You are what u think .. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010


This is my first time blogging .. haha ..

hi .. annyeonghaseo .. hallo .. ni hao .. moshi moshi ... lol :) (too many greetings huh?)

why i want to make a blog ?
it is simple because i want to share my story ... n i think it is cool to have a blog (do you think so?) lol .. :) umm.. to be honest i don't like writing because i think i was born not for it haha .. so sorry if my writing is not as good as your expectation. I am an AMATEUR!! and my english also not as briliant as the other blogger .. but i will try to improve my english skill .. ^^

i will really happy if you leave a positive comment or critic after read my writing :)

umm.. brief intro about me :
i am an indonesian born chinese girl, so i have a pair of small eyes :)
i live far away from my family because of my study. i am studying accounting at sydney. i have Jesus, lovely parents, wonderful second parents, a little brother (but his body is bigger than mine >.<), JELLS (i will tell u later about this ~.^), best friends from my hometown, my nice homeparents (i also will write a little story about my homestay at sydney ^^), my new friends at Sydney (i want we can be best friends mate ^^), etc ...
Love is around me (though i don't have any boy friend yet *sigh >.<)

it's really late now .. it is 3.30 a.m .. but i want tell u a lot of stories .. >.<
but i should sleep now with a hungry stomach .. lol ..

Good Night, God Bless <3


  1. how old you girl?

  2. hai jes...hahahaha....

  3. hai .. sape ni ? ahaha

    Please leave your name if u don't mind .. ^^
    18 Yo ..

  4. @ tika : udah dnk .. itu kan kelaperan ny semalem .. lol ..
    hr ni dah makan dgn kenyang n lihat dh post terbaru ada cupcakes .. yummy .. :)

  5. wowo ! i'm a fans of JuPe .. julia perez <3

  6. can not wait for the next writing, write something about SuJu okay

  7. @ no name : humm .. i think this is aldin or andry ni .. ckck..

    @ livi : i already posted 2 posts today .. have u read them ? uaah .. about suju ? maybe i will write my feeling to suju .. lol ;)

  8. hello ! Your blog is great ! hehehe

  9. hai .. who is there ? thanks a lot ^^ GBu

  10. wewwwwww hw r uuu nameee mike 18 single
    wakakakkakka :P

  11. @ mike : lol .. promosi neeeh pake sebut2 'single' sgala .. haha

  12. watt thee....who wrote tht i'm singlee..omgg Jasonn.......errrrrrrrr oh well .
    pa kbar ibu jessica...salam kenal yahh . btw everybody jess is very kind and funny too .... just to let u know tht .........u must be glad to get to know herr....

  13. @ mike : huahaha .. iyah kerjaan jason dongsaeng tengil mu .. lol .. :)
    but, isn't it right u r single now ?

    haha ..
    thanks mike for your promotion :))

  14. sisi jelek...wkwkq.

  15. wkwkwkwkw jess... mantap blog nyee~
